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Frequently Asked Questions


How do I get started with counselling or a psychotherapy?
You make an appointment and just bring yourself to the office. You tell me what you would like to talk about – and – if you already know – what you would like to change in your life. Then, during your first session, just collect impressions about our first encounter. See how you feel about it.

How does psychotherapy work?
This is a tricky question that has been the focus of a lot of research over the years. Many different therapeutic schools and techniques have been tested and tried. However, all of this research tells us one thing: the most important factor is the relationship between the person who wants help and the person who provides it. The psychotherapist’s job is to understand his/her client’s stories as precisely as possible.
The feelings which are involved matter. As a client, you dig into your situation and explain how you feel, and what the problem might be. The professional responds, trying to understand what the trouble is more closely. This process enables the client to understand oneself – and to change.

How do you work?
My approach centres on psychotherapeutic dialogue. First, it is essential to understand your concerns in detail. As you explain the various aspects of your feelings and problems, you start to find some helpful distance. At the same time, you also begin to sort out the confusing details and allow yourself some more space for your personal needs and ideas. Psychotherapy tackles and solves many difficulties in this very personal way.
My work is theoretically based on the Personcentered Approach by Carl R. Rogers. The grounding assumptions of this approach are that within every person lies the ability, and desire, to develop and grow constructively, and that every human being is a living system which regulates itself in a meaningful way.

How do I know if I have found the right professional?
The main question is, do you feel understood? Are you taken seriously? Do you feel respected with your feelings and concerns? Do you have the sense that the other person comprehends who you really are and how you feel? Are you inspired to see your situation in a different way? Do you receive answers to questions which have kept you occupied? The most important thing is this: is the chemistry right? Do you get the space which you need? Or do you feel pushed and manipulated? How does the professional respond to criticism? Do you think the professional will prove to be a supportive coach? If yes, well done, you have arrived!

In Switzerland, health insurance “Zusatzversicherung” covers the costs for psychological psychotherapy partly. For terms and conditions, please contact your health insurance.